Gibson County Humane Society/Tennessee SPCA, Inc. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) ID 64997846

  • Summary

    Gibson County Humane Society/Tennessee SPCA, Inc. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) is a business entity created in Tennessee and is a Nonprofit Corporation pursuant to local business registration regulations. Having the registration number 000540161, it is Active.

  • Status

    Active updated recently more like this →

  • Kind

    Nonprofit Corporation more like this →

  • Address

    211 CENTRAL ST, DYER, TN 38330-1701 USA, United States
  • Officers

    DEBORAH LOWRANCE Registered Agent

  • Regulatory regime

    Tennessee Department of State - Business Services

  • Update status

    Last checked: 2024-06-16 08:08:14 UTC

  • Comments